Fernando Escobar has more than 12-years’ experience in the Warehouse, logistics, and merchandiser area. Offering his skills and knowledge and operational strengths. Experienced Forklift operator, effective induction training, motivation. Proficient in the use of standard warehousing and distribution. I came to TCC in 2014 and I try always to do my best for the company in my department, and with my coworkers. I have a son he is most precious treasure for me in this world. I like to stay outdoors, and I like animals. I have two dogs and one cat. My favorite sport is soccer, and I run every day. I do not believe in religions, but I believe in God, and he is the center of my faith. When I wake up every morning, I thank God for the new day, because God gave us the gift of life, it is up to us give ourselves the gift of living well.